Office Desks
Looking for a desk? The desk is the centerpiece of your business or home office so selecting the right desk will set the tone of your office. A desk is where most of the work is done, so choosing the right desk for the job is an important task. A desk is too important piece of furniture for a click and buy purchase. Purchasing the right desk requires knowledge and information. A little research will go a long way. Selecting the right office desk to fit your space takes a few steps. In this desk guide, we will cover the different types of desks and their functions. As well space planning and installation tips. By the end of this guide, you will have all the tools needed to make a smart purchase that will last for years to come.
Computer desks
Computer desks are desks that a just large enough for a computer to sit on. Computer desks are smaller desks that are versatile to fit in almost any space, they can fit in a home office or a large commercial office. Sometimes, computer desks serve as a secondary desk in a larger office.
Executive desk
An executive desk is a large desk that puts an emphasis on style. These desks are usually dual pedestal rectangular design but can include a return in an L or U shape. These desks are typically on the higher end of the price point. Executive desks are usually found in management offices in a business office, and rarely found in home offices due to the amount of space they take up.
Office desks
Office desks are a smaller, more cost friendly versions of an executive desk. Commercial office desks are the most common desk found in the market. They are utility desks that offer the standard form and function of a traditional desk. Office desks primarily come in a standard rectangle but have a couple options for the tabletop. The desktop can be square or have a rounded bow front. Office desks will fit in a business office or home office very well.
L-shaped/ U-shaped desks
L-shape desks are a larger version of an office desk. L-shaped desks are popular because it offers more workspace. The L-shape desk always comes in a its unique “L” shape, offering a return down one side of the desk for an additional workspace.
U-shaped desks are even larger than L-shaped desks. The U-shaped desk offers maximum workspace by providing three different work areas. The U-shape adds its third tabletop by continuing the L-shape by wrapping it around the backside of the chair space.
Both desks are quite large and fit better in a business office better than a home office.
Standing desk
Standing desks are a fairly new trend in office furniture. They office the ability to go from sitting to standing to back at the push of a button. Commercial standing desks are designed to get the body into different positions throughout the workday. They are popular choices for people who have back pain issues from sitting in a chair for 8-10 hours a day.
Standing desk come in a variety of shapes. Everything from a standard rectangle to fitting in the L and U-shaped designs. This versatility means that a standing desk will fit in a business office and home office easily.
Corner desk
Corner desks are perfect for someone looking to save space. Corner desks set in the corner of the room or up against one wall to create a workstation and an adjacent meeting area. They are perfect for someone who has a lot of meetings in their office. These space saving desks are versatile to fit in either a business office or home office.
Designing your space
Once you have decided to purchase a new desk, the first question should be what kind? Sometimes the type of desk is dictated by the size and shape of your available office space. Sometimes that can be a tough decision when your office isn’t a traditional office floorplan. Reaching out to a professional supplier will help tremendously. A quality furniture supplier will give you access to their talented design team. A design team will be able to assist you in floor planning and layout. Whether your space is a traditional business office space or a home office, or a unique workspace, a design team can provide CAD drawings of the space to show how each piece of furniture will fit in your space. This tool alone is extremely valuable, but a good design team will be of assistance from start to finish in every part of the search, purchase, and installation.
Considerations should be made for allowing professional installation. No matter the style or material of the desk, a certain level of installation will be involved. If it’s a hardwood desk, then heavy team lifting will be required. Other modular designs will have many pieces that fit together. Either way, it is highly recommended that this part of your purchased be handled by the professionals. A quality office furniture supplier will have an excellent installation team at their disposal.
When searching for business or home office desks, having a partner that understands furnishing your office space will get you the most out of your purchase. That partner will also handle all the details that tend to make buying office furniture a hassle and turn your purchase into a pleasurable experience. If you are currently looking for office furniture for your business or home office and are in need of assistance in your search, give us a call at (888) 831-1012 to speak one-on-one with a member of our professional design team!