Transitional Office Furniture
Transitional style is actually a blending of two distinct styles. Transitional design borrows from both traditional and contemporary designs. This marriage produces a style that is both simplistic and sophisticated. This joining produces straight lines with rounded edges on sleek wood furniture.
The color palette of transitional style leans heavily on white to suggest a clean, sanitized atmosphere. This “lack of color” is exactly what makes transitional its own style. A primary contrast in the style is the aged wooden furniture that provides a hint of neutrality. The dark brown that woods produce over time should be the anchor of the color palette.
Aside from furniture, a transitional room takes a minimalist approach. The lack of decoration is a keystone of transitional style. Finding color in transitional can be difficult due to its design palette but a hint of color can be achieved with a small potted plant.
Transitional style’s focus is on the furniture itself. The lack of ornamentation pulls all attention to the furniture. As an added emphasis, transitional design uses larger furniture sets. Transitional style takes commitment to minimalism to achieve the look, but when you pull it off, it truly is a work of art.